Finland’s only Motorcycle museum holds up to 100 motorcycles and properties related on motorcycling. Our collection offers a wide range of elegantly restored world-famous motorcycles and national race bikes and mopeds with their stories. Exhibitions change annually.
Museu de la moto Vicenç Folgado
The passion for speed, technique, creation and a point of nostalgia make Vicenç Folgado i Tena (Lleida 1946- L'Escala 2008), creator of the Motorcycle Museum, restore a motorcycle donated by a friend of his. Since that day, Vicenç did not stop a day to restore.
Juan Antonio García, a musician and artistic agent by profession, is a great fan of the motor world and especially of motorcycles, to the point of becoming a true expert in restoring old motorcycles. Many people call them "old gadgets", but for connoisseurs they are "true jewels of the engine".
This small museum is probably closed. Collection moved to Museu de la Moto de Bassella.
The permanent exhibition at the Bassella Motorcycle Museum is dedicated to the pioneers who established the motorcycle industry in Spain.