At the exhibition we can see lot of bicycles but also Pannonia motorcycles in their original condition, as well as sidecars, trailers, factory technical drawings belonging to the Pannonia, advertising materials, helmets and other accessories for contemporary motorcycling.
Gentle motors and motorcyclists of Matuzsalem age on the slopes of Bükk
Around 90 well-presented motorcycles, the majority from Britain, Italy and Germany.
This is the home of Triumph, where you'll get the full story in our unique immersive visitor experience. It's here that you'll see how we make motorcycles, get up close to some of the most iconic Triumphs of all time, and enjoy a priceless collection of motorcycle memorabilia brought together exclusively for our visitors.
Not a museum but a dealer with a great ongoing collection of rare and unique examples of pre war motorcycles.
Specialists in veteran, vintage and thoroughbred motorcycles and three wheelers