Norton Museum Best

Albert van der Heijden has been interested in motorcycles from an early age. He was a participant in trail competitions in the Dutch championship in the seventies. His interest was obviously British motorcycles. During that time Norton was famous for his strength.

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American Motor Museum

The American Motorcycle Museum in Raalte Netherlands shows the largest collection of real American bikes outside the USA.

The unique collection of American motorcycles, privately owned by Max and Ans Middelbosch, is opened for the public in an also unique building by April 30 2004. Located in the beautiful Sallandse Raalte the collection has motorcycles from early 1900 till late 80's, and holds really beautiful and original bikes.

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Tony Leenes Indian Motorcycle Museum

Tony "Indian" Leenes's passion for Indian Motorcycles and his feeling for creation have lead unavoidably to a large collection of all that has to do with Indian motorcycles and culture.
Tony opened his Indian Motorcycle Museum officially in 1991. His place which includes the house of Tony and Hennie, the shop, his "atelier" and workshop, the museum, the campsite and the party room, starts with a gigantic totem with a height of 9 meters. This totem was once the centrepiece of a Frisian procession (no, not a carnival!).

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