Military Motor Muzeum

Gentle motors and motorcyclists of Matuzsalem age on the slopes of Bükk

Interactive programs, military and vehicle technology curiosities await visitors at the temporary exhibition of the Military Motor Museum in Nagyvisnyo, North Bükk, until the end of August.

The private collection of Péter Hézser, a Budapest teacher who collects veteran military and police engines, and his circle of friends have chosen Nagyvisnyo as the venue for the exhibition, where they are waiting for visitors with more than 40 motorcycles and some military cars

Operators not only exhibit the vehicles, but also try to restore the contemporary atmosphere. Bükk provides a perfect location for this, as during the visit some vehicles will be started and they can go with them. As they put it:
Thus, smoke, sound, and a sense of life are an integral part of the exhibition.

Nagyvisnyó, Fő út 6.
Hungary3339 Nagyvisnyó, Nagyvisnyó belterület 346/4. hrsz.

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